The Inn Keeper's Christmas

a light hearted re-telling of the Christmas story by Mike Sparks

December 2009

8.00 pm Wednesday 9th at St John's URC, New Barnet, EN5
7.00 pm Saturday 16th at Finchley Methodist Church, Finchley, N3

The Inn Keeper's Christmas is the latest in Mike Sparks' series about the harassed Inn Keeper and his wife who turn up in a variety of likely and unlikely situations to take sideways looks at some of the well known stories in the Bible. This time it's the Nativity that's causing problems down at the 'Shepherd and Crook', or so it seems.


The action of the play takes place in the bar of the Shepherd and Crook Inn in Bethlehem.

Inn KeeperJeffrey Benge
Wife of the Inn KeeperCarol Renfrew
MaidCarolyn Liang
ShepherdPaul Sparks
Wise Men's AgentMichael Lamb
Herod's AgentStephen Sewell
Production Team
DirectorMike Sparks
assisted byDavid Constable
LightingAndy Higgins
 Martin Higgins
SoundDavid Constable
PublicityAmy Charlton
Costumes & CateringJenny Sparks

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"Yes, Prime Minister"
Thur 10 to Sat 12 April 2025 at 7.30pm
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