Site Information was first launched in November 2000 and has undergone major redesigns in January 2002, April 2003, April 2004 and May 2005. A minor facelift occurred in September 2006.
This website is compiled, written, designed and maintained by David Constable on behalf of The Guild Players.
No part of this site may be copied or used elsewhere in any form without prior permission.
Copyright © 2000-2017 David Constable All rights reserved
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This site aims to be accessible through the use of carefully written standards compliant code.

All suggestions, additions, corrections and constructive criticism of the site are welcome. Please email your comments or use the form on the contact page.
The photographs used on this site have been provided by Mike Sparks, Paul Sparks, Carol Renfrew, Betty Robertson, Andrew Grimbly, Vikki Harris, Judith Shrank, Michael Reece, Nick Johnson, Kirsty Lincoln, Anne Higgins and David Constable.
The detailed list of past productions was compiled by Laurie Heatherington.