Frequently Asked Questions

When are you holding your next auditions?

Unlike other amdram groups we don't actually hold formal auditions. Our productions are cast from within the membership group. We don't decide on a production and then advertise to find and audition participants. Our informal audition process is the 'read through', which gives everyone a chance to read a number of different characters and get a feel of the script in an informal setting. It also lets the director hear different combinations of actors to create a balanced company. All members are also encouraged to take their turn filling the equally important backstage & Front of House roles as well as appearing on stage. We attempt to enable those who have been backstage in one production to get a chance to act (if they so wish) in the next production.

How do I join the group?

Most of our new members get involved by coming along to a read through. This is a fairly relaxed evening where we read the script of the next production plus have time to meet and chat over a cup of tea/coffee. If you like the feel of the group after coming along for a few evenings and want to become involved in productions they you can become a member. Once the production has been cast and you want to get involved, there are usually plenty of backstage roles requiring help. (Hint: If you have made an effort to help out with a production, you will get to know the other members, they will get to know you, and directors are much more likely to cast you in future shows!)

When is the next read through evening?

Read through eveinngs and other Guild Players activities are announced via email. Join the email list on contact page.

I've not got much experience of acting, can I still join?

Many of our members started with little or no experience and have gone on from small roles to play major characters. The best way of learning is by having a go. The Guild Players is a relaxed and happy group who enjoy working together to put on good quality productions. All we ask is that you show a commitment to the production and turn up regularly to rehearsals.

What is the age range of your members?

Our members range in age from 18 to 80.

How much does membership cost?

Annual membership of the Guild Players is currently £20. Everyone taking part in our productions must be a member.

How much does it cost to take part in a production?

In addition to the annual membership fee, we charge actors a 'production fee' to take part in a show. This covers the cost of the script plus refreshments during rehearsals. It is usually around £12-15 (depending on the script cost).

When do you rehearse?

We generally rehearse at the hall on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 pm to around 10 pm. We also sometimes meet on other nights in different parts of the Church premises and have some rehearsals on Saturdays. Beware that in the run up to a production rehearsals can often run on later than 10 pm.
(Also see the diary page)

Where do you rehearse?

Finchley Methodist Church Hall, Ballards Lane, Finchley, in North London.
As part of Finchley Methodist Church, we are very fortunate to be able to both rehearse and perform our shows in the same venue.

What sort of plays do you perform?

We have tackled all sorts of plays, drama, comedy and pantomime. The productions section of this website records everything we have ever done in chronological order. The list of our recent productions should give you a good idea of the sort of group we are.

Do you do musicals?

If you mean the big West End & Broadway style musicals, no.
We occasionally do musicals but they tend to be 'plays with music' (like panto) rather than all singing and dancing extravaganzas. The ability to do particular productions depends on the people in the group, and we tend to be actors who can sing a bit, rather than singers and dancers who can act!
There are plenty of other local groups who specialise in musicals and many are listed in our links section.

How long is your rehearsal period?

It varies, depending on the production, but is usually around 10-12 weeks.
Our Autumn production starts rehearsals in September for performance in late November or early December. The Spring production rehearsals start in Jan/Feb for performance April/May.

What happens during the week of the production?

The Saturday before the performances we hold a full dress rehearsal. This often runs from mid afternoon and through the evening. Monday evening is devoted to a technical rehearsal to check all entrances, exits, set changes, curtains, lighting & effects cues. The final dress rehearsal is on Tuesday night. Following the final performance on Saturday we hold an end of show party.

How many performances are there of each production?

Productions are normally performed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7.45 pm. Sometime we extend the production week (particularly for Pantomimes) to an additional Wednesday charity night and/or a 3.00 pm matinee on the Saturday.

What is your connection with the Church?

The Guild Players are part of Finchley Methodist Church. However many of our members come from the surrounding community, from other churches, and other faiths. We are not a 'religious drama' group, but we do regularly perform a production at Easter as part of our valued connection with the Church.

Why are you called 'The Guild Players'?

The group originally started as the drama section of 'The Wesley Guild' at Finchley Methodist Church.

How can I buy tickets for your productions?

Tickets go on sale from the box office about four to six weeks before the production. The printed posters and flyers show how to contact the box office. All the information is also available on the future productions page of this website. We recommend that you use online booking facility and pay by credit or debit card. Sorry, but we do not have facilities to take card payments by phone or at the door - cash and cheques only. If you are collecting booked tickets at the door, please arrive at least ten minutes before the advertised curtain up time.

Can I buy a ticket on the door?

For most productions, yes. However for some shows (such as pantomime) we do sell out in advance (particularly Friday & Saturday). You are strongly advised to book in advance to avoid disappointment. The hall is licensed for a particular number of patrons and we cannot accommodate extra chairs or people standing at the back.

What is the size of your auditorium?

Currently the maximum number we can seat in the hall is 150. It is sometimes less due to different configurations of the seating.

Can I choose where to sit in the auditorium?

All our tickets are numbered so please sit on the seat shown on your ticket. Seats are allocated working from the front to the back of the auditorium. Booking early will enable you to have a choice if you want a specific location. If you are bringing children to the pantomime, booking tickets early will ensure they are closer to the front!

Can you accommodate wheelchairs in the auditorium?

Yes, the whole audience circulation area from pavement to auditorium is step free. Please advise the box office when booking so that they can allocate you a place at the end of a row, and so that our front of house team can remove the seat from that position in advance.

Why don't you offer ticket concessions?

We try to keep our ticket price as low as possible for EVERYONE. Rather than having a bewildering selection of prices according to the night of the performance, your age, or personal circumstances, everyone pays the same (currently £10). If you are booking ten or more tickets we do offer a discounted ticket price.

Where do you perform?

Finchley Methodist Church Hall, Ballards Lane, Finchley, London, N3 1NB

Why haven't I heard from you recently?

If you are on our email list you should be getting occasional updates about our activities. If you haven't heard from us recently, do ensure that we have your current contact details by dropping us an email. Do also check that the emails are not being diverted by a spam or junk mail filter. Newsletters are produced on a sporadic basis, but are usually also posted on the noticeboard.

Our next production is
Next Production
"Yes, Prime Minister"
Thur 10 to Sat 12 April 2025 at 7.30pm
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