The Inn Keeper's Chalice

The Inn Keeper's Chalice Publicity

a short modern mystery play for Holy Week by Mike Sparks

March/April 2010

  • Monday 29th at 8 pm
    St Paul's Church, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, NW7 1QU
  • Tuesday 30th at 8 pm
    St Mary's Church, Church Hill Road, East Barnet, EN4 8XD
  • Wednesday 31st at 8 pm
    St John's URC, Mowbray Road, New Barnet, EN5 1RH
  • Maundy Thursday 1st at 8 pm
    Camden Road Baptist Church, Hilldrop Road, Holloway, N7 0JE
  • Good Friday 2nd at 8 pm
    Finchley Methodist Church, Ballards Lane, Finchley, N3 1NB


The function room of an Inn in Jerusalem on the morning after the last supper

Inn KeeperRichard Hardinge
His WifeHetal Patel
Man from EmmausPaul Sparks / Mike Sparks
PeterJack Allan
MaryCarolyn Lian
Saul of TarsusRahim Galia
Production Team
DirectorMike Sparks
Lighting & SoundMartin Higgins
 Andy Higgins
PublicityDavid Constable
CostumeJenny Sparks

Programme Notes

About the Play

Over the centuries theories have abounded about what really happened to the Holy Grail. Did it exists at all? lf it did what actual form did it take? What effect did it have? ls it's continued existence important to Christian beliefs? lf it did exist who had it and where did it go? Plays and books have been written about it; TV documentaries have been produced and award winning films made explaining it's 'true' meaning. In the upshot, who can tell? And is it important? In tonight's play the harassed Inn Keeper and his upwardly mobile wife bring their combined brainpower to the issue.

Directors Note

It's always very difficult to produce something which deals in a realistic fashion with issues surrounding such apparently cataclysmic events such as those which surrounded the crucifixion of Jesus. There is a balance to be struck between a performance which portrays the overwhelming sadness and despair of those most closely associated with Jesus and his ministry, and in seeing things through the eyes of officials and of the ordinary citizenry of the time who went about their everyday affairs whilst the events were unfolding. Where did these diverse sections of the community actually meet? At what point could questions be asked and answered? How could those who were followers re-kindle their faith and direction after being so crushed? In our play tonight we offer some possible answers to these questions when our actors bring you The Inn Keeper's Chalice - the latest in the author's series of Inn Keeper's Tales.

The Inn Keeper's Series

Scripts for the Inn Keepers series and other Christian plays by Mike Sparks can be viewed on line at

Our next production is
Next Production
"Yes, Prime Minister"
Thur 10 to Sat 12 April 2025 at 7.30pm
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