
Caiaphas Publicity

a short modern mystery play for Holy Week by Mike Sparks

April 2009

  • Tuesday 7th at 7.30 pm
    St Paul's Church, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, NW7 1QU
  • Wednesday 8th at 8.00 pm
    St John's URC, Mowbray Road, New Barnet, EN5 1RH
  • Maundy Thursday 9th at 8.00 pm
    Camden Road Baptist Church, Hilldrop Road, Holloway, N7 0JE
  • Good Friday 10th at 3.00 pm
    St Cuthbert's Church, Fordwych Road, West Hampstead, NW2 3TN
  • Good Friday 10th at 8.00 pm
    Finchley Methodist Church, Ballards Lane, Finchley, N3 1NB

For script details visit the H & S Productions website


Scenes 1, 3 & 4

The living room of the Caiaphas Family in Jerusalem

Scene 2

Annas's room at the Temple

Caiaphas (the Chief Priest)David Constable
Wife (of Caiaphas)Carol Renfrew
Miriam (the Maid)Carolyn Liang
Annas (a Priest & Caiaphas' father-in-law)Paul Sparks
Judas (a follower of Jesus)Michael Lamb
Lady Percula (wife of Pilate)Sue Efthimiou
Temple AttendantMike Sparks
Production Team
DirectorMike Sparks
Lighting & SoundMartin Higgins
 Andy Higgins

Programme Notes

The High Priest Caiaphas is universally considered to be the man behind the crucifxion of Jesus. But was it quite that clear cut? What part did his father-inlaw Annas play in the proceedings? Our play examines these issues.

'Caiaphas' is the latest in a series of short 'mystery plays' by Mike Sparks dealing with New Testament issues - looking at events through the eyes of characters who were, or might have been, engaged in the happenings of the time.

Our next production is
Next Production
"Yes, Prime Minister"
Thur 10 to Sat 12 April 2025 at 7.30pm
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