The Happiest Days Of Your Life

a comedy by John Dighton

Directed by Lyn Cameron

April 1989

Thursday 20th
Friday 21st
Saturday 22nd

The action of the play passes in the Masters' Common Room of Hilary Hall School for Boys in Hampshire.

Act I

The first day of the Summer Term. Afternoon

Act II

Saturday afternoon. Three weeks later


Two hours later

Hilary Hall School for Boys
Godfrey Pond, HeadmasterMichael Sparks
Rupert Billings, Senior MasterMichael Sinclair
Dick Tassell, Junior MasterEuan Soutar
Hopcroft Minor, PupilNicholas Johnson
Rainbow, School Porter & GroundsmanDerek Sizeland
Mr Edgar Sowter, GrandfatherNorman Burgess
Mrs Sowter, GrandmotherBeryl Cann-Hughes
St Swithins School for Girls
Miss Evelyn Whitchurch, PrincipalPauline Harkness
Miss Gossage, Senior MistressSamantha Clemson
Joyce Harper, Assistant MistressFiona Soutar
Barbara Cahoun, PupilKatie Whitton
The Reverend E. Peck, FatherSidney Broadway
Mrs Peck, MotherMargaret Johnson
Production Team
Directed byLyn Cameron
Production AssistantLaurie Heatherington
Set Designed byJohn Savage
Stage ManagerCarol Brown
Lighting & SoundSteve Mansell-Jones
WardrobeChristine Fells
 Carolyn Shaw
PropertiesOliver Broadway
 Dorothy Ashton
Stage Construction TeamJohn Savage
 Norman Burgess
 Laurie Heatherington
 Simon Prendergast
 Dennis Lammas
 Gill Hefford
 Simone Burke
 Brian Molloy
 Allan Stevens
Company ManagersNorman Burgess
 Betty Burgess
Box OfficeBetty Burgess
PrompterLinda May
Call BoySimon Prendergast
Front of HouseJeff McCracken-Hewson
Telephone InstallationDerek Burtenshaw

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Thur 10 to Sat 12 April 2025 at 7.30pm
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