
The Guild Players Committee is elected each September at the Guild Players Annual General Meeting.

The Committee consists of the elected office holders and four general representatives of the members. It meets every few months to organise all the Guild Players activities - agreeing dates for productions, discussing plays to perform, setting ticket prices, buying new equipment, etc.

At the A.G.M. on 25 September 2024, the Officers & Committee Members for the year 2024/25 were elected.


ChairDavid Constable
SecretaryJacqui Ravenhall
TreasurerAndy Higgins
Membership SecretaryNikki Bell
Box OfficeSarah Beaumont
TechnicalMartin Higgins & Andy Higgins
WardrobeMadhu Nambiar
Committee MembersSean Roberts
 Sue Stadler
 Rosie Quigley

Honorary Members

PresidentRev. Ben Twumasi (Minister of Finchley Methodist Church)

Our next production is
Next Production
"Yes, Prime Minister"
Thur 10 to Sat 12 April 2025 at 7.30pm
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